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Transeo Summit Lac de Genval, Belgium on June 03 - 04, 2024
At Transeo Summer Summit 2024 Dr. Hartmut Schneider presented the results of the strenthened partnership with IBBA/USA and the further prospects in the mutual cooperation in the Board and to the Transeo members.
Strengthening Transatlantic Partnership: IBBA 2024 Annual Conference in Louisville, KY, USA
In May, Dr. Hartmut Schneider held a lecture at the IBBA 2024 Conference in Louisville, KY, USA. He could win several US Business Brokers to become the first US members of TRANSEO, Europe and could so increase the new partnership between TRANSEO and the IBBA. The International Business Brokers Association (IBBA) is the largest broker association in the US and worldwide with more than 3,000 members. A total of 675 members attended this year's annual conference.
Transeo Summit in Valetta/Malta on 12.-13. October 2023
The Transeo Summit is the reference event in Europe dedicated to transfers and acquisitions of SMEs. Dr. Hartmut Schneider gave lecture as Board Member of Transeo aisbl. -
Polish electrical and communication technology company
Transaction: A renowned German group acquires a stake in the successful East Polish electrical and communications engineering company. Through the exchange of employees, orders and know-how, a variety of synergies are created on both sides.
Medium-sized company SW consulting and development
Transaction: A successful company from the field of management of software development projects, software engineering, technology and architecture consulting takes over content-related very profitable IT company in the field of consulting and system integration and continues this as part of a joint growth strategy using customer synergies.
Lectures on business succession 2020/2021
RA Dr Hartmut Schneider gave various lectures on the topics of corporate transactions and corporate succession, inter alia at Zeppelin University Friedrichshafen, Institute for Family Business and Chair for Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Prof. Dr R. Prügl (2020); as part of the event "Lebens-Werk erhalten: Herausforderung Nachfolge" of the Ulm Chamber of Commerce and Industry and at the h+h cologne trade fair on the topic of corporate succession (2021 each).
Internationally active test house for SW and HW technology
As part of a successful corporate succession, the company was transferred to a renowned medium-sized group by way of a smooth transition, which will continue to expand the company with further support from the previous owner.
Transeo General Assembly in Barcelona on 12-14 June 2019
Transeo General Assembly in Barcelona on 12-14 June 2019 + Working Groups on “European Business Transfer Market Places” and “European Business Transfer Ecosystems”.
Global Entrepreneurship Congress, Bahrain
Dr. Schneider was speaker at GEC Bahrain 2019 with the lecture: Buyout Entrepreneurship and M&A: Key Drivers of Growth.
Growth of competence through expansion of our advisory network
With i.a. Rainer Schwöbel and Jochen Mayer and further consultants with different core competencies we expanded the network of experts of M & A Strategie GmbH and expands its own consulting competence.
Traffic safety - protection and guidance systems Traffic routes
Transaction: The technical infrastructure service provider for the planning, development, assembly, maintenance and repair of protection and control systems for motorways, federal and state roads in the turnover category 10 - 20 m EUR was sold to a fund company. This fund uses the company as a platform for further continuous expansion and growth.
Industrial flooring manufacturer
Transaction: The highly profitable specialist and complete supplier of concrete floor technology was sold by way of age succession with a transfer accompanied by the seller, transferring all customer contacts to a suitable successor.
Successor wanted
By using authentic case studies Dr. Hartmut Schneider shows in this easy-to-understand practical guide to entrepreneurs and successors in SMEs how successions can succeed. Practical and helpful are recommendations for action and a toolbox with company check, delivery schedule, checklists as well as dos & don'ts.
M & A Strategie GmbH joins BMA
M & A Strategie GmbH joins as member the renowned Bundesverband Mergers & Acquisitions (German Federal Association of Mergers & Acquisitions):
12 th M&A International Lawyers Conference in Milan
The 12th M&A International Lawyers Conference with participation of Dr. Schneider took place from 21st to 23rd October 2016 and was perfectly organized by our cooperation partner RWP, Düsseldorf together with PALMER, Studio Legale in Milan.
15th company anniversary M & A Strategie GmbH
M & A Strategie GmbH celebrated its 15th company anniversary with invited guests and presented its new strong network. Many congratulatory messages and letters had been received, important company highlights were illuminated and the future development steps were outlined.
Cooperation agreement with a large US brokerage firm
M & A Strategie GmbH signed a cooperation agreement with the big US M & A brokerage house Gottesman Company - America's National Network of M & A Business Brokers based in New York. This opens up completely new possibilities for us and our clients.
Transeo SME Summit 24./25. Mai 2016, Cologne - Dr. Schneider Welcome Speech
Dr. Schneider, Managing Partner of M & A Strategie GmbH and Board member of the European Association Transeo brought this year's Transeo Summit to Cologne, where he gave a part of the opening address. Topic of this summit was: The importance of emotions and human aspects in the success of business transfers.
Entrepreneur's Day in Ulm
Prof. Dr. Daniel Schallmo and Dr. Hartmut Schneider held a lecture on the Entrepreneur's Day in Ulm to an audience of more than 50 participants: "How to achieve better corporate sale prices. Increase the value of your company sustainably (not only) before your business sale."
Growth of competence through expansion of our advisory network
With i.a. Stephan Werhahn, Gangolf Walter, Dr. Jimin He and further consultants with different core competencies we expanded the network of experts of M & A Strategie GmbH. Congratulations to our partner Dr. Daniel Schallmo, who was appointed "Professor" by the university of Ulm in March.
Free "Entrepreneur's Phone"
Every 1st Friday of each month at 4 p.m. we will answer your questions about business succession discrete and for free and have set up for this purpose an "Entrepreneur's Phone" with the number +49 731 1597 9338.
The MAS Company Check as an instrument to increase earnings and to prepare corporate succession
Our specifically newly developed Company Check leads from analysis and clear recommendations for action to the implementation of measures to increase earnings and to improve organization. Thus in a foreseeable period of time, M & A Strategie GmbH improves the maturity of the company for the handover.
11th M & A Lawyers Conference in Prague
The 11th M&A International Lawyers Conference with participation of Dr. Schneider took place from 18th to 20th September 2015 and was perfectly organized by our cooperation partners RWP, Düsseldorf together with UEPA (Ueltzhöffer Klett Jakubec & Partneři, advokátní kancelář, Prague).
Founding of the Consultants Network of M & A Strategie GmbH
Establishment of our consultants team of M & A Strategie GmbH on strategy consulting and other consulting areas prior to the Pre M & A and Post Merger Integration.
Transeo SME Summit 2016 in Cologne
Dr. Schneider, seit 2013 Board Member beim europäischen Verband für die Übertragung von KMU-Unternehmen Transeo konnte den nächsten Transeo SME Summit 2016 nach Köln und damit erstmals nach Deutschland holen. Eine gute Gelegenheit für deutsche Teilnehmer sich einen Überblick über die Tätigkeit des Verbandes zu verschaffen. Sprechen Sie uns hierzu gerne an.
UnternehmerTAG 2015 am 12. März in Ulm
Dr. Hartmut Schneider hielt einen erneut sehr gut besuchten Vortrag auf dem diesjährigen Unternehmertag mit dem Titel: Nachfolge im Unternehmen - Familieninterne Weitergabe oder Verkauf an Dritte?
New Website:
Focus family succession: Learn more on our support of the intrafamily succession.